January-June 2023
ISSN : 2455-2380
Urban Ecology
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January-June 2023
ISSN : 2455-2380
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Since the dawn of industrialisation, Cities and Nature have become binary entities. Cities exploit Nature instead of contributing to it. The growth of cities and their human population explosions have clearly happened at the expense of Nature. In this issue, we explore the potential of the concept of Urban Ecology. We seek to examine how we can give ecology a chance to not only survive but grow and thrive in our cities: How can we prioritize “green and blue infrastructure” even as we build “grey infrastructure?" How can we reduce the carbon footprint and increase biodiversity by planting Urban Forests? How can we use strategies of renaturing or rewilding and restore nature as the backbone of urban development? How do we work towards sustainability on all fronts; towards a stabilisation of the world's population; and towards a global initiative to rewild the planet in which urban areas too must play their part?
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